During his remarks in the House, union home minister Amit Shah said: “Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, Rajaji (C Rajagopalachari), Rajendra Prasad and BR Ambedkar were against the idea of Delhi being given the status of full statehood.”
Responding to the statement, Congress leader in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury said it was “refreshing to hear praise” for the Congress and Jawaharlal Nehru from the mouth of the home minister.
The former PM’s name has often been brought up by the BJP in Parliament during criticism of India’s policies regarding Kashmir, China, Pakistan and other issues.
Shah quickly got up to reply that he was not praising Nehru but merely quoting the former PM verbatim. “If you [opposition] want to take that as praise that is fine with me,” quipped the home minister.
Chowdhury shot back at the BJP for taking Nehru’s name only when it suits their argument, and said: “When you need, you take the help of former PM Jawaharlal Nehru. If you had actually taken the help of Nehru then the country would not have witnessed Manipur and Haryana.”
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